Many regions of Turkey are in the earthquake zone. For this reason, do not forget to question the earthquake risk of the house you are considering to buy.
-Look at the basement of the building. If there is damp, it means that the water insulation of the building is not well done. The corrosion of the bearing systems of buildings with poor insulation causes damage to the structure during a severe earthquake.
- Prefer buildings produced with ready-mixed concrete technology during construction. Do not prefer buildings made of concrete with a strength lower than C20 for buildings constructed in earthquake zones.
- The design of the building can also provide earthquake resistance. Design factors such as symmetrical dimensioning and the use of short columns can make the structure more resistant to earthquakes.
-Learn how column and curtain applications are carried out with the right methods. In order to learn the technical features, you can have the engineers examine the building you want to buy a flat.
- Make sure that one-third of the building is underground. Remember that the more floors there are under the ground, the more reliable the building is against earthquakes.
- Examine the ground survey report.
- Ask if the buildings have an Energy Performance Certificate. Heat insulation is available in buildings with energy identity certificate.
If there is a mortgage or foreclosure record on the house when purchasing the purchase, it may cause serious problems in the future or even lose the house. So you have to be sure not to buy a house with mortgage or forclosure record on the Title deed.
All the tips we just mentioned apply to your new home buying process as well. However, there are a few other important details to consider at this stage. If you are considering buying a new house within the scope of mass housing projects, you should make sure that you choose a reliable company. Review the company's portfolio and references.
When buying a new home, expenses can sometimes arise from places you never expected. You should make sure that there is no humidity in the newly painted flats, and you should learn the cost of the fee before the purchase. Do not forget to confirm that the net and gross square meters of the house are included in the preliminary information form. Unless you receive immediate delivery, ensure that the agreed delivery date is included in the contract.
Do not neglect to see the DASK policy of the house, question whether there is any tax debt and examine the occupancy permit. It can save you time if you agree with the buyer in advance on how the title deed fee will be paid. In addition, when declaring the house to the title deed, be sure to indicate the actual price you paid. In this way, you can minimize your risk of having problems in the future.
Payment can be made in several different ways in real estate purchases and sales. Hand payment is among the least secure payment methods. For this reason, it is not recommended to be applied in cases where there is no absolute trust relationship between the buyer and the seller. Another method that can be used is for the buyer to send the housing fee to the seller's account via transfer, EFT or money transfer. During this process, the buyer must specify the title deed address information in the payment explanation section, and write that the payment made is the island and parcel real estate fee.
The title deed clearing system and the blocked check method are also frequently used in real estate exchange. Buyers and sellers who want to use the title deed clearing system get an e-payment number by logging into the system via E-Government. The payment made by the buyer is deposited to the Takasbank account in a blocked manner and transferred to the seller after the title deed transactions are completed. In the blocked check method, the buyer requests a blocked check to the bank he chooses, and the seller unblocks the check and transfers it to his account after the notary public's transactions. Both methods are designed so that both the buyer and the seller are not victims.
Who will pay the title deed fee can be determined by a joint decision by the buyer and the seller. If the parties do not agree on a different decision, the fee should be divided equally. The title deed fee is determined to be 4% of the property price. In case the buyer and seller pay the cost together, both parties pay 2% of the property price.